Journal Articles
- Sharad Sharan, Roshan Thomas Eapen, Puneet Singla and Robert Melton, 2023, "Accurate Uncertainty Characterization of Impulsive Thrust Maneuvers in the Restricted Three Body Problem", The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, 70, (5), pp. 35
- Roshan Thomas Eapen, Kathleen C Howell and Kyle T Alfriend, 2021, "Momentum Maps and Transport Mechanisms in the Planar Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem.", Journal of Astronautical Sciences, 69, pp. 1263–1291
- Roshan Thomas Eapen, Manoranjan Majji and Kyle T Alfriend, 2021, "Attitude dynamics of a rigid body in Keplerian motion", Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 133, (1), pp. 1--25
- Roshan Thomas Eapen and Carolin Frueh, 2018, "Averaged solar radiation pressure modeling for high area-to-mass ratio objects in geosynchronous orbits", Advances in Space Research, 62, (1), pp. 127--141
- Roshan Thomas Eapen and Ram Krishan Sharma, 2014, "A study of halo orbits at the Sun--Mars L1 Lagrangian point in the photogravitational restricted three-body problem", Astrophysics and Space Science, 352, (2), pp. 437--441
- Roshan Thomas Eapen and Ram Krishan Sharma, 2014, "Mars interplanetary trajectory design via Lagrangian points", Astrophysics and Space science, 353, (1), pp. 65--71
- David Schwab, Roshan Thomas Eapen and Puneet Singla, , "Characterizing Accuracy of Normal Forms to Study Trajectories in Cislunar Space", The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, 71, (2), pp. 16
- Ramchander Rao Bhaskara, Roshan Thomas Eapen and Manoranjan Majji, , "Narpa: Navigation and rendering pipeline for astronautics", arXiv:2211.01566
Conference Proceedings
- Graeme Sutterlin and Roshan Thomas Eapen, 2024, "Vision-based Terrain Relative Navigation for Planetary Landing"
- Roshan Thomas Eapen, Smriti Nanden Paul and Puneet Singla, 2024, "Sensor Tasking Strategies for Space-Based Observers in the Cislunar Environment"
- Carson Hunsberger, Roshan Thomas Eapen and Puneet Singla, 2024, "Characterization of Axisymmetric Rigid Bodies from Lightcurves via L1 Norm Minimization"
- Amit Jain, Roshan Thomas Eapen and Puneet Singla, 2023, "Sparse Approximate Hamilton-Jacobi Solutions for Optimal Feedback Control with Terminal Constraints", IEEE
- Ramchander Bhaskara, Roshan Thomas Eapen and Manoranjan Majji, 2023, "Differentiable rendering for pose estimation in proximity operations"
- Zach Hall, David Schwab, Roshan Thomas Eapen and Puneet Singla, 2022, "Reachability-Based Approach for Search and Detection of Maneuvering Cislunar Objects", pp. 0853
- Scott P Geyer, John L Crassidis, Roshan Thomas Eapen and Manoranjan Majji, 2021, "Relative navigation of uncooperative space bodies"
- Andrew Verras, Roshan Thomas Eapen, Andrew B Simon, Manoranjan Majji, Ramchander Rao Bhaskara, Carolina I Restrepo and Ronney Lovelace, 2021, "Vision and Inertial Sensor Fusion for Terrain Relative Navigation", pp. 0646
- R.T. Eapen, M Majji, K. T. Alfriend and Puneet Singla, 2020, "Semi-Analytic solutions to the Hamilton Jacobi Equation with Applications to Orbit Propagation in Perturbed Two-Body Regimes"
- Kathleen C Howell, Roshan Thomas Eapen and Kyle T Alfriend, 2020, "On the use of zero-momentum surfaces to identify transport opportunities to planar Lyapunov orbits", AAS/AIAA Spaceflight Mechanics Conference
- R.T. Eapen, M Majji and K. T. Alfriend, 2019, "Extended Phase-Space Realization for Attitude Dynamics of an Axisymmetric Body in Eccentric Orbit"
- R.T. Eapen, M Majji and K. T. Alfriend, 2018, "Equilibria Associated with the Attitude Dynamics of a Rigid Body in Keplerian Motion"
- Erin Cope, Roshan Thomas Eapen and Puneet Singla, , "Semi-Analytical Rapid Orbit Determination Approach for Perturbed Two Body Problem"
- Sharad Sharan, Roshan Thomas Eapen, Puneet Singla and Robert Melton, , "Coordinate choice implications for uncertainty propagation in the CR3BP framework"
- David Schwab, Roshan Thomas Eapen and Puneet Singla, , "Approximating Admissible Control onto the Cislunar Highways for Detection and Tracking of Spacecraft"
- Madeline Mayer, David Schwab, Roshan Thomas Eapen and Puneet Singla, , "Orbit Characterization and Determination Strategies in the CR3BP Framework"
- Matthew Brownell, Roshan Thomas Eapen and Puneet Singla, , "Time-Varying Perturbation Model Identification in the Neighborhood of CR3BP Periodic Orbits"
- Mackenzie Mangette and Roshan Thomas Eapen, , "Exploration of Transfer Opportunities to Low Lunar Orbits in the Cislunar Framework", 33rd AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences
- Schwab David, Roshan Thomas Eapen and Puneet Singla, , "Normal Form Methods to Characterize Trajectories in the Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem", 33rd AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences
- Robert G Melton, Roshan Thomas Eapen, Puneet Singla, Sharad Sharan and Amit Jain, , "Stochastic analysis of thrust uncertainties in the CR3BP", 33rd AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences
- Amit Jain, Roshan Thomas Eapen and Puneet Singla, , "Leveraging Hamiltonian Structure for Accurate Uncertainty Propagation", 33rd AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting
- Mackenzie Mangette and Roshan Thomas Eapen, , "Loitering Strategies Leveraging Higher-Order Gravity Expansions for Lunar Surface Access", 2023 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference
- Mackenzie Mangette, Roshan Thomas Eapen, Puneet Singla and Matthew Brownell, , "Data-Driven Modeling for Navigation in Cislunar Space", 2023 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference
- Roshan Thomas Eapen and Jack Li, , "Time-Frequency Analysis for Long-term Propagation in the Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem", 2023 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference
- Roshan Thomas Eapen, David Schwab and Puneet Singla, , "Normal Form Methods to Define Admissible Control Regions in the Circular Restricted Three- Body Problem", 2023 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference
- Roshan Thomas Eapen, David Schwab, Puneet Singla and Carson Hunsberger, , "Optimal Control of Cislunar Trajectories Leveraging Normal Form Methods", 2024 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference
- Roshan Thomas Eapen, Sharad Sharan, Puneet Singla and Robert G Melton, , "A Multi-Order Shooting Scheme Applied to Low-Thrust Trajectory Optimization", 2024 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference
- Roshan Thomas Eapen, Schwab David and Puneet Singla, , "Reachability Set Search for Lost Custody of Maneuvering Spacecraft Leveraging Normal Form Methods", 2024 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference
- Joseph Murray and Roshan Thomas Eapen, , "CNN-based Optical Image Analysis for Satellite Component Detection"
- Roshan Thomas Eapen, 2021, "Semi-Analytic Methods for Averaging and Rectification of Complex Dynamical Systems"
- Roshan Thomas Eapen, 2017, "Averaged Solar Radiation Pressure Modeling for High Area-to-Mass Ratio Objects in Geostationary Space"