a group of students visiting the national air and space museum

Student Organizations

Aerospace Graduate Student Association (AeroGSA)

The purpose of AeroGSA is to promote and enhance graduate studies within the Department of Aerospace Engineering through professional development activities, promote interaction among the aerospace engineering graduate students and faculty, and provide a forum for communication between graduate students, faculty, and administration within the Department.

Membership applications and information on the benefits of belonging to this organization may be obtained from the AeroGSA faculty adviser, Jack Langelaan.

Visit the AeroGSA website for more information.

Vertical Flight Society (VFS)

The Vertical Flight Society is the world’s oldest and largest technical society dedicated to enhancing the understanding of vertical flight technology. Since it was founded in 1943 as the American Helicopter Society—just as the first US helicopter was being put into service—the VFS has been the primary forum for the interchange of information on vertical flight technology. According to the VFS Bylaws, the purpose of the society is to advance the theory and practices of the science of vertical flight aircraft.

Membership applications and information on the benefits of belonging to this organization may be obtained from the VFS faculty advisers: Edward Smith and Jose Palacios.

VFS Penn State chapter news and events are posted on the chapter website.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)

The AIAA is the largest American technical society devoted to science and engineering in the fields of space, technology, rocket systems, aerodynamics, and marine systems. The mission of AIAA’s Penn State chapter is to provide aerospace engineering students with unique learning opportunities in addition to what is provided in a classroom setting. These opportunities are geared towards engaging students socially and promoting “hands-on” engineering work.

Membership applications and information on the benefits of belonging to this organization may be obtained from the AIAA faculty adviser, Robert Melton. Meetings and social events are held regularly during the academic year. Members can also attend the annual student conference for the Mid-Atlantic Region each April.

AIAA Penn State chapter news and events are posted on the chapter website.

Penn State AeroWomen

The Penn State AeroWomen group is a community for undergraduate and graduate women in the Penn State Department of Aerospace Engineering (as well as friends and alumni) that provides opportunities for members to network with faculty, fellow students, alumni, and industry personnel; to learn academic and professional skills; and to support each other.

The ultimate goal of the group is to improve the climate for women in STEM—starting within our department.

AeroWomen group activities are supported by the aerospace engineering department and by the Penn State Equal Opportunity Planning Committee.

Faculty Advisers: Namiko YamamotoSusan Stewart, and Sara Lego

Penn State Soaring Club

The primary mission of the Penn State Soaring Club is to provide quality flight instruction at the lowest possible cost. Membership is open to students, faculty, staff, and alumni. Penn State Soaring Club is an active flying club that promotes primary flight instruction, advanced cross-country training, FAI (Federation Aeronautique Internationale) badge attempts, as well as competition flying.

Faculty Adviser: Mark Maughmer

Penn State Wind Energy Club

The purpose of the Wind Energy Club is to provide an opportunity for students interested in wind energy to:

  • Learn about the wind energy industry
  • Pursue their passion and develop skills to succeed in the wind industry
  • Compete in a Department of Energy Collegiate Wind Competition to develop a business and design a wind turbine
  • Allow business and engineering students to gain real experience and solve real-world problems

Faculty Adviser: Susan Stewart

More information can be found on the Wind Energy Club website.

Sigma Gamma Tau (SGT)

SGT is the national honor society for aerospace engineering. It seeks to identify and recognize achievement and excellence in the aerospace field. SGT's collegiate chapters elect annually to membership those students, alumni, and professionals who by conscientious attention to their studies or professional duties, uphold this high standard for the betterment of their profession. Learn more about the Penn State chapter of SGT

Student Space Programs Laboratory (SSPL)

The SSPL allows undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to design, fabricate, and integrate space systems. The SSPL provides hands-on projects to apply classroom knowledge to real-world, interdisciplinary settings. SSPL students experience working through a complete design cycle and must develop a systems engineering mindset in addition to their component-level experience.

More information can be found on the SSPL website.

Nittany Rocket Labs

Nittany Rocket Labs focuses on designing, building, and flying high-powered rockets in competitions with other universities across the United States. Through system integration and an interdisciplinary team, the group introduces new members to rocketry while fostering a love for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics within the team and the community.  We have subsystem positions in a range of areas, including aerospace engineering, communications, electrical engineering, data analysis, materials/manufacturing, program management, and business/marketing.  Join us as we reach for the skies!

Faculty Adviser: Sara Lego

More information can be found on the Nittany Rocket Labs website

Undergraduate Student Organizations

Engineering Undergraduate Council (EUC)

EUC is the Student Government of Penn State as College of Engineering.  We serve as a voice for the students in the College of Engineering. More information about EUC can be found here.

Tau Beta Pi

Tau Beta Pi is an engineering honor society, highly regarded in the field. The national organization of Tau Beta Pi was founded in 1885 at Lehigh University and has since grown to include over two hundred collegiate chapters and nearly sixty alumni chapters. The Pennsylvania Beta chapter of Tau Beta Pi was founded at The Pennsylvania State University on May 4, 1912, as the twenty-sixth collegiate chapter. More information about Tau Beta Pi can be found here.

Graduate Student Organizations

Engineering Graduate Student Council (EGCS)

The purpose of the EGSC is to promote and enhance graduate studies within the College of Engineering through professional development activities, and to provide a forum for communication between graduate students, faculty, and administration within the College of Engineering. EGSC news and events are posted on the council website.

Penn State Graduate and Professional Student Association

The Graduate and Professional Student Association is a University-level organization that aims to represent and support the interests of the University's current and future graduate and professional student community by supporting scholarly activities and providing leadership, service, and social opportunities. More information about the Penn State Graduate and Professional Student Association can be found here.



The Penn State Department of Aerospace Engineering, established in 1961 and the only aerospace engineering department in Pennsylvania, is consistently recognized as one of the top aerospace engineering departments in the nation, and is also an international leader in aerospace education, research, and engagement. Our undergraduate program is ranked 15th and our graduate programs are ranked 15th nationally by U.S. News & World Report, while one in 25 holders of a B.S. degree in aerospace engineering in the U.S. earned it from Penn State. Our students are consistently among the most highly recruited by industry, government, and graduate schools nationwide.

The department is built upon the fundamentals of academic integrity, innovation in research, and commitment to the advancement of industry. Through an innovative curriculum and world-class instruction that reflects current industry practice and embraces future trends, Penn State Aerospace Engineering graduates emerge as broadly educated, technically sound aerospace engineers who will become future leaders in a critical industry

Department of Aerospace Engineering

308 Engineering Collaborative Research and Education (ECoRE) Building

556 White Course Drive

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-2569