Photo of Edward Smith

Edward Smith

Distinguished Professor


  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Center for Acoustics and Vibration
  • Acoustics

377 ECoRE Building


Research Areas:

Rotorcraft Engineering; Structural Dynamics and Adaptive Structures

Interest Areas:

Director - Penn State Rotorcraft Center; American Helicopter Society faculty advisor; Rotorcraft dynamics and aeromechanics; Composite and smart structures; Active and passive vibration control; Elastomeric materials.




  • BS, Aerospace Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 1988
  • MS, Rotorcraft Engineering, University of Maryland, 1990
  • Ph D, Rotorcraft Engineering, University of Maryland, 1992


Journal Articles

  • Kentaro Miura, Edward Smith and Christopher Rahn, 2017, "Modeling and Design of a Tailboom Vibration Absorber Using Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite Tubes", Journal of American Helicopter Society, 62, (4)
  • S Kambampati and Edward Smith, 2017, "Aeroelastic Optimization of High-Speed Tiltrotor Wings with Wing Extensions and Winglets", Journal of Aircraft, 54, (5), pp. 1718-1727
  • Jianhua Zhang, Edward Smith and Frank Zajaczkowski, 2017, "Analysis of Rotor Start-Up and Shutdown on a Sea-Based Oil Rig", Journal of Aircraft, 54, (1), pp. 20-35
  • Tod C. Henry, Charles E Bakis and Edward Smith, 2015, "Viscoelastic Characterization and Self-Heating Behavior of Laminated Fiber Composite Driveshafts", Journal of Materials and Design, 66, pp. 346-355
  • T Henry, C Bakis and E Smith, 2015, "Determination of Effective Ply-Level Properties Of Filament Wound Composite Tubes Loaded In Compression", 43, (1)
  • S Miller, E Little, M Yukish, C Bakis and Edward Smith, 2015, "Rate Effects and Environmental Sensitivity of Textile Energy Absorbers", Journal of American Helicopter Society, 60, pp. 022009-1 -022009-10
  • Michael V. Wozniak, Stephen C Conlon, Edward Smith and Karl M Reichard, 2015, "Design, Analysis, and Characterization of Single Crystal Energy Harvesters for Rotorcraft Wireless Sensor Applications", Journal of American Helicopter Society, 60
  • Todd C. Henry, Charles E Bakis, Simon W. Miller and Edward Smith, 2015, "Multi-Objective Optimal Design of Composite Rotorcraft Driveshaft Including Strain Rate and Temperature Effects", Journal of Composite Structures, 128, pp. 42-53
  • L H Scarborough III, C D Rahn, Edward Smith and K L Koudela, 2014, "Coupled Pitch Links for Multi-Harmonic Isolation Using Fluidic Circuits", Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 59, (4), pp. 042005-1-042005-11
  • C Tiwari, T Henry, C Bakis and Edward Smith, 2014, "Experimental Evaluation of Novel Foam Filled Energy Absorbing Composite Tubes", Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 59, (3), pp. 032005-1-032005-10
  • A Lotfi-Gaskarimahalle, L Scarborough III, C Rahn and Edward Smith, 2014, "Tunable Fluidic Composite Mounts For Vibration Absorption", Journal of Vibration and Control, 20, (14), pp. 2137-2145
  • D. Han and Edward Smith, 2013, "Lagwise Dynamic Analysis of a Variable Speed Rotor", Aerospace Science and Technology, 29, (1), pp. 277-286
  • D. Han, C. D. Rahn and Edward Smith, 2013, "Higher Harmonic Pitch Link Loads Reduction Using Fluidlastic Isolators", Journal of Aerospace Engineering
  • D. G. Lewicki, H. DeSmidt, Edward Smith and S. W. Bauman, 2013, "Dynamics of a Dual-Clutch Gearbox System: Analysis and Experimental Validation", Journal of The American Helicopter Society, 58, (012004)
  • P. Q. Romano, S. C. Conlon and Edward Smith, 2013, "Investigation of Contact Acoustic Nonlinearities on Metal and Composite Airframe Structures via Intensity Based Health Monitoring", Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 133, (1), pp. 186-200
  • D. Han, J. Wang, Edward Smith and G. A. Lesieutre, 2013, "Transient Loads Control of a Variable Speed Rotor During Lagwise Resonance Crossing", AIAA Journal, 51, (1), pp. 20-29
  • Y. Chen, J. Qiu, J. L. Palacios and Edward Smith, 2012, "Tracking Control of Piezoelectric Stack Actuator Using Modified Prandtl-Ishlinskii Model", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures
  • A. Lotfi-Gaskarimahalle, L. Scarborough, C. Rahn and Edward Smith, 2012, "Passive and Switched Stiffness Vibration Controllers Using Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composites", Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 134, (2)
  • J. L. Palacios, Y. Han, E. W. Brouwers and Edward Smith, 2012, "Icing Environment Rotor Test Stand Liquid Water Content Measurement Procedures and Ice Shape Correlation", Journal of American Helicopter Society, 57, (2), pp. 29-40
  • Z. Saribay, R. Bill, Edward Smith and S. Rao, 2012, "Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Analysis of Conjugate Meshing Face-Gear Pairs", Journal of American Helicopter Society, 57
  • J. Palacios, Edward Smith, J. Rose and R. Royer, 2011, "Instantaneous De-Icing of Freezer Ice via Ultrasonic Actuation", AIAA Journal, 49, (6), pp. 1158-1167
  • J. Palacios, Edward Smith, J. Rose and R. Royer, 2011, "Ultrasonic De-Icing of Wind-Tunnel Impact Icing", Journal of Aircraft, 48, (3), pp. 1020-1027
  • F. Semperlotti, K. W. Wang and Edward Smith, 2009, "Localization of a Breathing Crack Using Nonlinear Subharmonic Response Signals", Applied Physics Letters, 95, (25)
  • Dong Han and Edward Smith, 2009, "Lagwise Loads Analysis of a Rotor Blade with an Embedded Chordwise Absorber", Journal Of Aircraft, 46, (4), pp. 1280-1290
  • F. Semperlotti, K. W. Wang and Edward Smith, 2009, "Identification of the Location of a Breathing Crack using Super-Harmonics Response Signals due to System Nonlinearity", AIAA Journal, 47, (9)
  • A. K. T. Howard and Edward Smith, 2008, "Prediction of Air and Ground Resonance Stability of Soft-Inplane Tiltrotors Using a Semispan Analytical Model", Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 53, (2), pp. 164-178
  • J. S. Kim, M. Cho and Edward Smith, 2008, "An Asymptotic Analysis of Composite Beams with Kinematically Corrected End Effects", International Journal of Solids and Structures, 45, pp. 1954-1977
  • H. A. DeSmidt, K. W. Wang and Edward Smith, 2008, "Robust-Adaptive Magnetic Bearing Control of Flexible Matrix Composite Rotorcraft Driveline", Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 53, (2), pp. 115-124
  • H. A. DeSmidt, K. W. Wang and Edward Smith, 2008, "Multiharmonic Adaptive Vibration Control of Misaligned Driveline via Active Magnetic Bearings Source", Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME, 130, (4), pp. 041006.1 - 41006.13
  • J. S. Kim, K. W. Wang and Edward Smith, 2008, "Synthesis and Control of Piezoelectric Resonant Actuation Systems with Buckling Beam Motion Amplifier", AIAA Journal, 46, (3), pp. 787-791
  • J. S. Kim, K. W. Wang and Edward Smith, 2007, "Development of a Resonant Trailing-Edge Flap Actuation System for Helicopter Rotor Vibration Control", Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, 16, pp. 2275-2285
  • H. Kang, Edward Smith and G. A. Lesieutre, 2006, "Experimental and Analytical Study of Blade Lag Damping Augmentation Using Chordwise Absorbers", Journal of Aircraft, 43, (1)
  • H. A. DeSmidt, K. W. Wang, Edward Smith and A. Provenza, 2005, "On the Robust Stability of Segmented Driveshafts with Active Magnetic Bearing Control", Journal of Vibration and Control, 11, (3), pp. 317-329
  • J. S. Kim, K. W. Wang and Edward Smith, 2005, "High Authority Piezoelectric Actuation System Synthesis through Mechanical Resonance and Electrical Tailoring", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 16, pp. 21-31
  • D. E. Heverly II, K. W. Wang and Edward Smith, 2004, "Dual Stack Piezoelectric Device with Bidirectional Actuation and Improved Performance", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 15, pp. 565-574
  • D. S. Ramrakhyani, G. A. Lesieutre and Edward Smith, 2004, "Modeling of Elasticmeric Materials Using Nonlinear Fractional Derivative and Continuously Yielding Friction Elements", International Journal of Solids and Structures, 41, (14), pp. 3929-3948
  • J. Zhang, Edward Smith and K. W. Wang, 2004, "Active-Passive Hybrid Optimization of Rotor Blades with Trailing Edge Flaps", Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 49, (1), pp. 54-65
  • H. A. DeSmidt, K. W. Wang and Edward Smith, 2004, "Stability of Segmented Supercritical Driveline with Non-Constant Velocity Couplings Subjected to Misalignment and Torque", Journal of Sound and Vibration, 227, pp. 895-918
  • Louis R. Centolanza, Edward Smith and Brian Munsky, 2002, "Induced-shear piezoelectric actuators for rotor blade trailing edge flaps", SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, 11, pp. 24-35
  • Christian R. Brackbill, George A. Lesieutre, Edward Smith and Kiran Govindswamy, 1996, "Thermomechanical modeling of elastomeric materials", Smart Materials & Structures, 5, pp. 529-539

Conference Proceedings

  • Keerti Prakash, Edward Smith and Charles E Bakis, 2019, "Modeling of Laminated Reinforced Composite with Carbon Nanotube Interlayers to Estimate Structural Damping in a Rotorcraft Blade", San Diego, CA
  • Jianhua Zhang, Hao Kang and Edward Smith, 2019, "Wing Extension Design and Tailoring for a Scaled Tiltrotor Wind Tunnel Model", San Diego, CA
  • Jeffery Kim, Charles E Bakis and Edward Smith, 2018, "Experimental Evaluation of Carbon Nanotubes for High-Stiffness Damping Augmentation in Carbon/Epoxy Composites", pp. 1626-1640
  • Keerti Prakash, Edward Smith and Charles E Bakis, 2018, "Modeling of Polymer/ Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposite to Estimate Structural Damping in a Rotorcraft Blade"
  • Yu Xiong, Edward Smith and Stephen C Conlon, 2018, "Vibroacoustic Properties of Plates with Tuned Acoustic Black Holes", 47th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering: Impact of Noise Control Engineering,
  • Matthew Krott, Edward Smith, Jose Palacios and Christopher Rahn, 2018, "Modeling, Development, and Testing of a Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite Blade Dampers", American Helicopter Society Forum, 2018
  • Tanmay Mathur, Edward Smith, Hans DeSmidt and Robert C Bill, 2018, "Design of a High Power Density Pericyclic Drive Prototype for Testing at NASA Glenn Transmission Test Facility", American Helicopter Society Forum, 2018
  • Zachary Cameron, Edward Smith, Robert C Bill and Hans DeSmidt, 2018, "Design Space Exploration of Pericyclic Transmission with Counterbalance and Bearing Load Analysis", American Helicopter Society Forum, 2018
  • Hans DeSmidt, Robert C Bill and Edward Smith, 2018, "Structural Dynamics of a Dual Clutch Offset Compound Gear Transmission with Electro-Magnetically Actuated Engagement", American Helicopter Society Forum, 2018
  • Jianhua Zhang, Hao Kang and Edward Smith, 2018, "Stability Analysis of a Scaled Tiltrotor Model with Wing Extensions and Winglets"
  • Jianhua Zhang, Florow Matthew and Edward Smith, 2018, "Autorotation Performance of Multi-Rotor Aircraft with Partial Power Loss"
  • Shawn Treacy, Christopher Rahn and Edward Smith, 2017, "Experimental Validation Of A Fluidic Pitch Link Model"
  • Tanmay Mathur, Edward Smith, Liming Chang and Robert C Bill, 2017, "Contact Mechanics and Elasto-Hydrodynamic Lubrication Analysis of Internal-External Straight Bevel Gear Mesh in a Pericyclic Drive"
  • Matthew Krott, Edward Smith and Christopher Rahn, 2017, "Experimental Validation of Multi-Mode Tailboom Passive Vibration Control Using Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite Tubes", pp. 1117-1127
  • Reed Kopp, Frank Gardea, Bryan Glaz and Edward Smith, 2017, "Multi-fidelity Modeling of Interfacial Micromechanics for Off-Aligned Polymer/Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites"
  • Tanmay Mathur, Edward Smith, Hans DeSmidt and Robert C Bill, 2016, "Load Distribution And Mesh Stiffness Analysis Of An Internal-External Bevel Gear Pair In A Pericyclic Drive"
  • Reed Kopp, Bryan Glaz, Jaret Riddick and Edward Smith, 2016, "Interfacial Micromechanics and Load Transfer of Off-Aligned Nanocomposites"
  • Matthew Krott, Kentaro Miura, Christopher Rahn and Edward Smith, 2016, "Finite Element Modeling of Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite (F2MC) Treatments for Bending and Torsional Vibration Control"
  • Shawn M. Treacy, Christopher Rahn, Edward Smith and Conor Marr, 2016, "Pitch-Flap Stability of an Articulated Rotor with Fluidic Pitch Links"
  • Sandilya Kambampati, Taylor Hoover, Edward Smith and Mark Maughmer, 2016, "Multidisciplinary Optimization for High Speed, High Efficiency Tiltrotors with Wing Extensions"
  • Guillermo J. Costa, Sandilya Kambampati, Samuel C. Johnson and Edward Smith, 2015, "Design, Fabrication, Test, and Evaluation of Small-Scale Tiltrotor Whirl Flutter Wind Tunnel Models"
  • Eric J. Little, Charles E Bakis, Lindley W. Bark, Robert M. Willis, Simon W. Miller, Michael A Yukish and Edward Smith, 2015, "Laboratory and Field Evaluations of Textile Energy Absorbers for Crashworthy Cargo Restraints"
  • Kentaro Miura, Matthew Krott, Edward Smith, Christopher Rahn and Peter Romano, 2015, "Experimental Validation of Tailboom Vibration Control Using Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite Tubes"
  • S Nampy, E Smith and C Bakis, 2014, "Advanced Grid-Stiffened Composite Shells for Heavy-Lift Helicopter Blade Spars"
  • K Miura, C Rahn and E Smith, 2014, "Passive Tailboom Vibration Control Using Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite (F2MC) Tubes"
  • M. V. Wozniak, S. C. Conlon, Edward Smith and K. M. Reichard, 2013, "Endurance and Temperature Testing of a PMN-PT Single Crystal Energy Harvester for Rotorcraft Wireless Sensor Applications", 69th Annual Forum Proceedings - American Helicopter Society
  • H. Kang, M. Hasbun, H. Saberi, C. Marr, G. Lesieutre and Edward Smith, 2013, "Elastomeric Damper Model for Rotorcraft Comprehensive Analysis", Proceedings of the 54th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference


  • Kentaro Miura, Matthew J. Krott, Edward Smith, Christopher Rahn and Peter Q. Romano, , "Experimental Demonstration of a Vibration Absorber Using Braid-Sheathed Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite Tubes"
  • Matthew Krott, Edward Smith and Christopher Rahn, , "Coupled and Multi-Mode Tailboom Vibration Control Using Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite Tubes", Journal of the American Helicopter Society
  • L. Scarborough, C. Rahn and Edward Smith, , "Fluidic Composite Tunable Vibration Isolators", Journal of Vibration and Acoustics


  • J Zhang and Edward Smith, 2015, "Advanced Composite Wings for Whirl Flutter Augmentation: Wind Tunnel Model Design"
  • T Mathur, Z Saribay, R Bill, Edward Smith and H DeSmidt, 2015, "Analysis Of Pericyclic Mechanical Transmission With Straight Bevel Gears"
  • M Krott, K Miura, S LaBarge, C Rahn, Edward Smith and P Romano, 2015, "Tube Compliance Effects on Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite Devices for Rotorcraft Vibration Control"
  • J Zhang, Edward Smith, L Scarborough III and C Rahn, 2014, "Evaluation of Fluidic Pitch Links for Rotor Hub Vibration Controls"
  • T Henry, C Bakis, J Riddick and Edward Smith, 2014, "Full-Field Strain Analysis of Compressively Loaded Flat Composite Laminates with Undulated Fibers"
  • K Miura, M Krott, C Rahn, P Romano and Edward Smith, 2014, "Experimental Characterization of a Tailboom with Fluidic Flexible Matrix Composite Tubes"
  • J Zhang and Edward Smith, 2014, "Parametric Studies of Wing Extensions and Winglets on Whirl Flutter Stability"
  • J Zhang, Edward Smith and F Zajaczkowski, 2014, "Analysis of Start-up and Shutdown of Rotor in Complex Wind Conditions on Sea-Based Oil Rig"
  • L Scarborough, Edward Smith, C Rahn and K Koudela, 2014, "Impedance tailored Fluidic Pitch Links for Passive Hub Vibrations Control and Improved Rotor Efficiency"
  • L. H. Scarborough III, C. D. Rahn, Edward Smith and K. L. Koudela, 2012, "Coupled Pitch Links for Multi-Harmonic Isolation Using Fluidic Circuits"
  • N. A. Kurczewski, L. H. Scarborough III, C. D. Rahn and Edward Smith, 2012, "Coupled Fluidic Vibration Isolators For Rotorcraft Pitch Link Loads Reduction"
  • S. W. Miller, E. J. Little, M. A. Yukish, C. E. Bakis and Edward Smith, 2012, "Rate Effects and Environmental Sensitivity of Textile Energy Absorbers"
  • S. C. Conlon, S. S. Evans, Edward Smith, P. Q. Romano and A. R. Barnard, 2012, "OH-58 Tailboom Damage Detection Study"
  • A. Overmeyer, J. Palacios and Edward Smith, 2012, "Actuator Bonding Optimization And System Control Of A Rotor Blade Ultrasonic Deicing System"
  • C. Tiwari, Edward Smith and C. E. Bakis, 2012, "Non-linear Modeling of Extension-Twist Coupled Energy Absorbing Composite Tubes"
  • Y. Han, J. Palacios and Edward Smith, 2011, "An Experimental Correlation between Rotor Test Stand and Wind Tunnel Ice Shapes on NACA 0012 Airfoils", pp. 2011-38-0092
  • A. Overmeyer, J. Palacios, R. Roger and Edward Smith, 2011, "Rotating Testing of a Low-Power, Non-Thermal Ultrasonic Deicing System for Helicopter Rotor Blades", pp. 2011-38-0098
  • C. Marr, Edward Smith, G. Lesieutre and Z. Fuhrer, 2011, "Multi-State Lead-Lag Damper Development and Validation"
  • D. Han, Edward Smith and C. D. Rahn, 2011, "Pitch Link Loads Analysis of a Variable Speed Rotor"
  • J. Slaby and Edward Smith, 2011, "Aeroelastic Stability of Folding Tiltrotor Aircraft in Cruise Flight with Composite Wings"
  • D. Han, C. D. Rahn and Edward Smith, 2011, "Loads Reduction using Coupled Fluidic Pitch Links"
  • J. Zhang and Edward Smith, 2010, "Studies of a Ducted Rotor with Exit Vane Controls"
  • W. Kong, Edward Smith, M. Yukish, G. Stump and C. Bakis, 2010, "Optimization Study of Energy Absorbing Cargo Restraint Systems", pp. 2010-109
  • J. Palacios, E. Brouwers, Y. Han and Edward Smith, 2010, "Adverse Environment Rotor Tests Stand Calibration and Ice Shape Correlation"
  • S. C. Conlon, M. R. Shepherd, J. A. Hines, A. R. Barnard, F. Semperlotti, P. Q. Romano and Edward Smith, 2010, "Development of an Airframe Intensity Based Structural Health Monitoring System"
  • Z. B. Saribay, R. C. Bill, S. Rao and Edward Smith, 2010, "Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Analysis of Face-Gear-Pair Meshing Concept for Nutating Gear Mechanisms and Pericyclic Variable Speed Transmission"
  • Y. Zhu, J. Palacios, Edward Smith and J. Rose, 2010, "Tailored Waveguide De-Icing for Helicopter Blade Skin with Ultrasonic Guided Waves", pp. AIAA-2010-3043
  • S. Narayanan Nampy and Edward Smith, 2010, "Stiffness Analysis of Closed Cross-Section Composite Grid-Stiffened Cylinders", pp. AIAA-2010-2786
  • L. Scarborough III, C. Rahn and Edward Smith, 2010, "Fluidic Composite Tunable Vibration Isolators"
  • S. G. Sollenberger, J. L. Bail, L. Kohlman, C. R. Ruggeri, C. E. Bakis, G. D. Roberts and Edward Smith, 2010, "Ballistic Impact Tolerance of Filament-Wound Composite Tubes with Rigid and Flexible Matrix Material", pp. 12
  • D. Han, C. D. Rahn and Edward Smith, 2010, "Pitch Link Loads Reduction using Fluidlastic Isolators"
  • D. Han, J. Wang, Edward Smith and G. A. Lesieutre, 2010, "Transient Loads Control of a Variable Speed Rotor during Resonance Crossing"
  • E. Brouwers, J. Palacios, A. Peterson and Edward Smith, 2010, "The Experimental Investigation of a Rotor Icing Model with Shedding"
  • A. Lotfi-Gaskarimahalle, L. Scarborough III, C. Rahn and Edward Smith, 2009, "Fluidic Composite Tuned Vibration Absorbers"
  • P. L. Montanye, Edward Smith, C. D. Rahn and S. C. Conlon, 2009, "Shipboard Helicopter Gust Response Alleviation Using Active Trailing Edge Flaps", 2, pp. 1604-1616
  • S. G. Sollenberger, C. E. Bakis and Edward Smith, 2009, "Effect of Stress Concentrations in Flexible Matrix Composite Driveshafts", 2, pp. 1054-1060
  • C. Tiwari, Edward Smith and C. E. Bakis, 2009, "Multi-Mechanism Energy Absorption in Extension-Twist Coupled Composite Tubes", 2, pp. 1533-1550
  • J. Zhang and Edward Smith, 2009, "Aeroelastic and Structural Analysis of Ducted Composite Rotors in Edgewise Flight", 1, pp. 667-676
  • C. Tiwari, Edward Smith and C. E. Bakis, 2009, "Energy Absorption and Load Limiting via Extension-Torsion Coupled Stitch Ripping Composite Tubes"
  • Z. Saribay, R. Bill, Edward Smith, S. Rao and K. Wang, 2009, "Design Analysis of Pericyclic Variable-Speed Transmission System for a 600 HP Class Unmanned Rotorcraft", pp. 529-545
  • D. Han and Edward Smith, 2008, "Lagwise Loads Analysis of a Rotor Blade with an Embedded Chordwise Absorber"
  • S. N. Nampy and Edward Smith, 2008, "Structural Behavior of Grid-stiffened Tubes Under Axial, Bending and Torsion Loads"
  • Y. Zhu, J. L. Palacios, J. Rose and Edward Smith, 2008, "De-Icing of Multi-Layer Composite Plates Using Ultrasonic Guided Waves"
  • M. J. Hagon, K. William, C. E. Bakis, M. A. Yukish and Edward Smith, 2008, "Energy-Absorbing Textile Devices for Heavy Cargo Restraints"
  • C. Marr, G. A. Lesieutre and Edward Smith, 2008, "Nonlinear, Temperature-Dependent, Fluidlastic Lead-Lag Damper Modeling", 3, pp. 2370-2381
  • J. L. Palacios, Edward Smith and J. L. Rose, 2008, "Investigation of an Ultrasonic Ice Protection System for Helicopter Rotor Blades"
  • M. J. Hagon, C. E. Bakis, M. A. Yukish and Edward Smith, 2007, "A New Look at Lightweight Energy Absorbing Devices for Heavy Cargo Restraints"
  • J. L. Palacios, Edward Smith, Y. Zhu and J. L. Rose, 2007, "Global Ultrasonic Shear Wave Anti-Icing Actuator for Helicopter Blades"
  • Z. B. Saribay, Edward Smith, A. J. Lemanski, R. C. Bill, K. W. Wang and S. Rao, 2007, "Compact Pericyclic Continuously Variable Speed Transmission Systems: Design Features and High-Reduction Variable Speed Case Studies"
  • J. C. Walchko, J.-S. Kim, K. W. Wang and Edward Smith, 2007, "Hybrid Feedforward-Feedback Control for Active Helicopter Vibration Suppression"
  • J.-S. Kim, K. W. Wang and Edward Smith, 2007, "Synthesis and Control of Piezoelectric Resonant Actuation Systems with Buckling-Beam Motion Amplifier"
  • G. A. Lesieutre, C. Marr, Edward Smith and J. T. Szefi, 2006, "Time Domain Fluid Elastic Lag Damper Modeling"
  • S. N. Nampy and Edward Smith, 2006, "Design Evaluation of Model and Full-Scale Flexible Matrix Composites Tiltrotor Blades with Extension-Twist Coupling"
  • J. S. Kim, Edward Smith and K. W. Wang, 2006, "Helicopter Blade Loads Control via Multiple Trailing-Edge Flaps"
  • A. Badre-Alam, G. A. Lesieutre, D. McGuire, Edward Smith and J. T. Szefi, 2006, "Design of Fluidic, High Frequency Periodically Layered Isolators for Model 427 Gearbox Isolation"
  • L. Centolanza, E. Mockensturm, P. Rehrig, Edward Smith, J. Szefi and K. Wang, 2006, "Development of a Novel High Authority Piezoelectric Actuator for Rotor Blades with Trailing Edge Flaps"
  • H. Gao, Edward Smith, J. L. Palacios and J. L. Rose, 2006, "Ultrasonic Shear Wave Anti-Icing System for Helicopter Rotor Blades"
  • H. A. DeSmidt, K. W. Wang and Edward Smith, 2006, "Multi-Harmonic Adaptive Vibration Control of Misaligned Driveshaft Systems - An Experimental Study"
  • J. S. Kim, K. W. Wang and Edward Smith, 2005, "Design and Analysis of Piezoelectric Transducer Based Resonant Actuation Systems", pp. IMECE2005-80335
  • J. S. Petrie, G. A. Lesieutre and Edward Smith, 2005, "Design and Model Testing of Helicopter Rotor Blade Lag Fluid Elastic Embedded Chordwise Inertial Dampers", 1, pp. 994-1004
  • B. D. Mayrides, Edward Smith and K. W. Wang, 2005, "Analysis and Synthesis of Highly Flexible Helicopter Drivelines with Flexible Matrix Composite Shafting", 2, pp. 1582-1595
  • J. S. Kim, K. W. Wang and Edward Smith, 2005, "Development of a Resonant Actuation System for Active Flap Rotors", 2, pp. 1627-1637
  • F. LeHen, Edward Smith, G. A. Lesieutre and J. T. Szefi, 2005, "Actively Enhanced Periodically Layered Isolator for Helicopter Gearbox Isolation", pp. AIAA Paper No. 2005-2250
  • N. N. Sreeni and Edward Smith, 2005, "Extension-Twist Coupled Tiltrotor Blades using Flexible Matrix Composites", pp. AIAA Paper No. 2005-2182
  • J. L. Palacios and Edward Smith, 2005, "Dynamic Analysis and Experimental Testing of Thin-Walled Structures Driven by Shear Tube Actuators", pp. AIAA Paper No. 2005-2112
  • J. Zhang and Edward Smith, 2005, "Structural Design and Optimzation of Composite Blades for a Low Weight Roto"
  • H. A. DeSmidt, K. W. Wang and Edward Smith, 2004, "Adaptive Control of Flexible Matrix Composite (FMC) Rotorcraft Driveslines"
  • J. S. Kim, Edward Smith and K. W. Wang, 2004, "Helicopter Vibration Suppression via Multiple Trailing Edge Flaps Controlled by Resonance Actuation System"
  • H. A. DeSmidt, K. W. Wang and Edward Smith, 2004, "Multi-Harmonic Adaptive Vibration Control of Magnetic Bearing-Driveshaft with Auxiliary Feedback: Theory and Experiment"
  • J. S. Petrie, G. A. Lesieutre and Edward Smith, 2004, "Helicopter Blade Lag Damping Using Embedded Fluid Elastic Inertial Dampers"
  • J. T. Szefi, G. A. Lesieutre and Edward Smith, 2004, "Design and Testing Of A Compact Layered Isolator For High-Frequency Helicopter Gearbox Isolation"

Research Projects

Honors and Awards


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:




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The department is built upon the fundamentals of academic integrity, innovation in research, and commitment to the advancement of industry. Through an innovative curriculum and world-class instruction that reflects current industry practice and embraces future trends, Penn State Aerospace Engineering graduates emerge as broadly educated, technically sound aerospace engineers who will become future leaders in a critical industry

Department of Aerospace Engineering

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The Pennsylvania State University

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