Department of Aerospace Engineering

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Dr. Jose Palacios

Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering, Phone: 814-867-4871,

Engine Icing Research

Jose is currently working with his students to develop testing techniques to understand the fundamental physics of ice crystal dynamics and its effects on engine icing. An experimental technique to measure the dynamics of frozen drop impingement, breakup and accretion has been developed. The icing conditions reproduced attempt to simulate the ice crystal interaction with the flow, rotor, stator and flow path surfaces in a gas turbine compressor. It is very difficult to study these crystal-engine interactions in a real compressor due to the variability in the flow, crystal thermal effects and short residence time involved. It is also recognized that laboratory experimental conditions cannot truly simulate the flow dynamics in a compressor. Efforts are concentrated on the key physical correlations between droplet melted state, impact and rebound mechanics, and accretion. These correlations are pre-requisite to the development of practical ice crystal aero-thermal models for the gas turbine applications. To visualize the particle impacts, high speed cameras are used. 65,000 frames per second record the impact from two perpendicular views, allowing for the 3D recreation and analysis of the particle fracture and dynamics.

In addition to idealized ice crystal testing configurations, Jose’s team is working on modifying a T-53 turboshatft engine to become a turbofan test rig for ice crystal impact dynamics and compressor ice accretion studies. This new rig will be a critical work horse to understand engine icing physics and to design solutions to the high altitude icing problem. Ice crystals clouds will be ingested by the engine and high speed visualization of the crystal dynamics and ice accretion to the stators will be conducted inside the compressor.

Ice Crystals Impacting a Moving Rotor (150 m/sec)

T-53 Lycoming Engine Being Modified for Engine Icing Testing

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